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Longyuan Rose-The Exhibition of Painted Pottery in Gansu Province


Longyuan Rose-The Exhibition of Painted Pottery in Gansu Province

Ancestors in the Gansu province took nature as basis, selected plants, animals, rivers and other natural objects in the nature as the source of creation. Through the expression of dots, lines and planes, they not only created vibrant and charming patterns on potteries, such as plant pattern, animal pattern, swirling pattern and geometric pattern, combining with human beings, they also created dance pattern, gods and men pattern which are rich in thoughts. The flamboyant and bold red and black, painting the sun, moon and stars, painting all living things, painting what were seen and thought, from depicting the shape to the full nature of objects, the naive stroke from straight lines to curves, from pictogram to geometric, from realism to ideogram, which are the origin of the great beauty of China.

The painted pottery in Gansu province is the origin of the ornamental art in China, its colorful, simple and bright, bold and flexible features have left a strong mark in the history of Chinese art. In this exhibition, 210 pieces of Neolithic painted pottery from Gansu province are specially selected, including representative artifacts spanning 5000 years from the Dadiwan culture period to the Shajing culture period. Through the interpretation of various types of decorations on the painted pottery, the exhibition shows the changes in the aesthetic tastes of the ancestors, the advancement of knowledge and concepts, interprets the relationship between human beings and the natural environment, and then analyzes the initial features of the primitive religious beliefs and the formation of abstract symbols, aiming at tracing the childhood memories of the Chinese nation, and providing the deep driving force from the cultural genes for the success of the story of China.


  • 宽带纹三足彩陶钵
  • 刻画“フ”符号宽带纹彩陶钵
  • 人头形器口彩陶瓶
  • 变体鸟纹彩陶瓶
  • 变体鸟纹彩陶壶
  • 变体鸟纹彩陶盆
  • 变体鸟纹彩陶勺
  • 漩涡纹鸟形彩陶壶
  • 花卉纹彩陶盆
  • 变体花鸟纹彩陶盆
  • 水波纹双耳彩陶瓶
  • 马家窑文化(半山类型,约公元前2700—前2300年) 高33厘米,口径17.5厘米,底径15厘米 兰州市博物馆藏
    See More漩涡纹双耳彩陶壶