“Fan Painting and Beyond — Exhibition of Fans”
“Fan Painting and Beyond — Exhibition of Fans”
Since the Song Dynasty, when aesthetically inspired individuals began to paint on silk fans, the fan painting has gradually evolved into a new form of Chinese calligraphy and painting. During the Ming Dynasty, folding fans became popular for their portability. Fans, appreciated for their beauty and their playfulness, became sought-after personal possessions among Shidafu, the scholar-officials of imperial China. From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China period, officials and scholars, in social gatherings, often competed in creating, gifting, and collecting fans, using fans to show their talents, tastes, and social status.
This exhibition will use the presentation of the artistic conception within fans and the camaraderie beyond fans as a starting point to reveal the cultural connotation of fan faces. Those displayed fans vividly present a variety of themes, including bird-and-flower, landscape, figure and poem. These themes can all be depicted on fans, utilizing the limited space to unfold unique layouts that showcase a distinct form of artistic beauty. Beyond the artistic conception, fans themselves embrace practical as well as cultural values. Scholars and literati express their sentiments through fans and exchange fans as gifts. The landscapes and poems depicted on the fans both convey the emotions and thoughts of their creators, allowing recipients to feel a sense of friendship while appreciating and handling the fan.
The collection of fans at the Hunan Museum mainly covers the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China period, featuring a significant collection of works by renowned literati painters from Hunan Province. In addition to presenting traditional themes in fans, this exhibition will also delve into the cultural deposits of fans from the perspective of Hunan local culture. "In the tender embrace of breeze, half a sheet of paper gracefully folds and unfurls guiding us to a wonderful journey at a whim." Let us explore the feelings and scene of fan face art together to rediscover the elegance inherent in these fans.
- 居廉 海棠蜜蜂图扇页 清同治八年(1869) 纸本设色 18×52cm 款识:荩臣一兄大人雅正,己巳四月,居廉。 印鉴:古泉(白文) 此画设色淡雅,笔法轻松流畅,运用“撞水撞粉”技法表现花卉,将植物处于岭南地区湿润气候环境下的特点表现得淋漓尽致,工写结合的画法使画面张弛有度,清新雅致。
- 陈师曾 浅红低巫图扇页 民国 纸本设色 25×53cm 款识:浅红低亚麦初肥,近水穿林款款飞。堕溷太迟添小劫,帽檐香压折枝归。洞天无地海扬尘,欲访仙源万里津。不许桃花自开落,当年愁杀避秦人。昨夜东风剠鬓过,苦将泪眼看恒河。鸣禽只管嘀春散,留得空枝结恨多。觭庵。 印鉴:觭庵(朱文) 此图是花鸟画折枝构图的典型作品,画桃花不见全株,仅折取几枝入画,设色清丽,用笔娴熟浑厚,构图舒朗,彰显开合对比之趣,左下部分的折枝桃花与右上角题款呈对角线分割扇面,使画面达成微妙的视觉均衡,画家精湛的构图能力可见一斑。
- 雷悦 玉壶买春图扇页 民国十三年(1924) 纸本设色 17.5×53cm 款识:玉壶买春。紫棠先生法家教之,甲子午月,雷悦。 印鉴:雷(朱文),悦(白文)
- 师妙萤 牡丹图扇页 清 纸本设色 16×51cm 款识:霱裳师妙萤。
- 包世臣 松竹牡丹图扇页 清 纸本设色 19×53cm 款识:书城大兄属画,倦翁包世臣。 印鉴:小倦游阁(朱文),水晶如意玉连环室(朱文) 此扇面画松、竹、牡丹,构图层次丰富,错落有致。松树勾勒点染,干湿笔并用,花卉以没骨法直接画成,竹为双勾画法,山石皴擦点染,逸笔草草。设色温润淡雅,笔法劲健,自然天趣尽显于纸上。
- 孙铁州 花鸟扇页 清 纸本设色 18.5×53cm 款识:法道复先生意,铁州。 印鉴:孙(朱文) 此图的石榴花、叶用笔干脆轻快,不见复笔,石榴花点染时笔头蘸色略浓稠,以形成质感的区别,而更有重量感的石榴却以水分极多的湿笔草草画成,再以淡色描绘枝头的禽鸟,从而构成了画面中笔触与质感的对比趣味。作品笔法灵动,墨色淋漓,一气呵成,显示出画家高超的绘画手法。
- 刘侗寿 拂暑图扇页 清 纸本设色 23.6×24.5cm 款识:和鸾贤壻拂暑,侗寿。 印鉴:侗寿印(白文) 此图写生感强,画一只蝉扶柳枝而上,而柳叶因枝干负重而随之震荡。画家用灵动的用笔表现出柳叶飘荡的动势,场景生趣盎然,盛夏的气息扑面而来。 刘侗寿(生卒年不详),字仲青,湖南衡阳人。工山水、花卉,遒劲有致。
- 齐白石 苇雁图扇页 民国 纸本设色 17.8×44cm 款识:仙谱九弟世大人正,小兄璜。 印鉴:璜(白文) 此图笔墨老辣朴拙,用笔以铺毫为主,中锋侧锋灵活运用,仅雁头、雁足略施淡色加以勾勒,极见神韵,可见作者对所画对象生长特征已了然于胸。雁身墨色层次丰富,表现出蓬松的羽毛质感,作品自然有生趣。
- 汤熊 苇雁图扇页 清 绢本设色 24.6×25.5cm 款识:尧衢都转大人钧政,钱塘汤熊。 印鉴:西侯(白文) 画中大雁结伴于岸边饮水嬉戏,场景饶有野趣。全图笔墨工致,水面以勾勒笔法绘出波纹,坡岸以淡墨进行大笔触晕染,苇雁用没骨法表现,大雁造型准确,省略了羽毛的细节表现,化繁为简,着重于大雁神态与动势的描绘,显示出画家独特的观察视角,富有装饰性趣味。
- 符铸 菊石图扇页 民国 绢本设色 23.9×24.5cm 款识:幽华瘦石,古色斑斓,昔见孟丽堂本,令人叹绝。铁年。 印鉴:铁道人(白文)
- 张熊 花卉图扇页 清穆宗同治三年 纸本设色 17.7×51.8cm 款识:嘉予一兄大人雅属,甲子秋八月,子祥张熊 。 印鉴:熊(朱文) 此图色、墨明净,富有层次,轮廓勾染严谨,叶子以多笔画成,在第一笔墨迹未干时继续出笔,以达到湿度的统一,细看依然可见笔触停顿导致的墨迹变化,作品归于写意与没骨一类,呈现出一种精致的画面气质。
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