From the Director

Dear Visitors,

Welcome to the Hunan Museum!

This is a large history and art museum dedicated to preserving and showcasing the culture of Hunan Province. Since its founding, this museum has always been committed to the protection of cultural heritage and spreading splended cultures, as well as motivating the public to participate and take a keen interest in cultural heritage. 

This is a public cultural space where you can enjoy exhibits and exchange innovative ideas. There are permanent exhibitions and themed exhibitions, such as Changsha Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs Exhibition, Hunanese-Exhibition of Hunan History and Culture, Bronzes,Ceramics and other artworks. 

We will stage temporary exhibitions regularly so as to present the civilizations of different regions and different historical periods to you. The interaction and cultural exchange between different civilizations will be represented. The fine exhibits and technology for showcasing them will complement each other. The museum strives to make you feel being connected with history and art. 

This is a treasure-house for the protection and utilization of cultural heritage. The numbers of cultural relics collected by the museum totals more than 180,000 pieces (sets). They cover various aspects of human history, ranging from the chipped stone tools used by prehistoric human, exquisite bronzes like zun or yi, silk and lacquerwares unearthed from Mawangdui Han Tombs, to paintings and calligraphies created by artists of Ming & Qing Dynasties. They are the fruit of human wisdom and bear witness to the history of Hunan Province. 

This is a platform for the free exchange of ideas and innovation. Visitors from afar can explore and understand the civilization of Hunan Province. By holding various lectures, forums and educational activities, we will present the cultures across the world to you. The interaction between different cultures will constantly give birth to new ideas and vitality. 

If we say the building and exhibits comprise a physical museum, while its website and social media comprise the virtual museum. The latter is a cultural landscape which transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is not only an extension of the functions of the museum, but more importantly, it provides the public with a platform to participate in activities, to interact with each other and to share ideas. 

No matter you come to visit the physical museum and be immersed in its cultural space, or access the museum’s rich digital resources through the internet, you become one of the members to witness and participate in the cultural evolvement and cultural inheritance. With your support, we will together build an “Our Museum”, which is owned, built and shared together by the communities.

Duan Xiaoming

Director, the Hunan Museum